Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An Attempt to Curb My Cynicism

Paulo Coelho said in a blog post in February of this year, "Join those who sing, tell stories, enjoy life and have happiness in their eyes. Because happiness is contagious and always manages to keep people from being paralyzed by depression, loneliness and troubles."

Whether it be genetic, a product of the environmental factors surrounding my early childhood years (heck, the late years as well, who am I kidding), destiny, fate, or how ever you would like to classify it and wrap it up in a box with a ribbon on top, the fact remains is that it is just not easy for me to have a postive view on this world or the things in it. Well, that is to say, until now...

We always want to blame others for our misgivings(I say 'We' not by literary accident, I'm talking about me, as well as YOU). Just as it is easier to swim with the current, it is also easier to point out others mistakes, instead of taking the interspective route and looking at ourselves. However, we must be careful when swimming with the current, it might seem easier at the moment, but eventually it will take you down with it.

For this next year, 2011, I am going to be one of the happy people that bring happiness to others, not the other way around. I think the first step for me to accomplish this goal is to stop blaming my mom, my family, the government, society, friends, the garbageman, the postman, the grumpy old man on the subway and life in general for my own faults.

Who knows, I might just end up being one of "those who sing, tell stories,[and] enjoy life and have happiness in their eyes."

Moral: Look Inside Yourself, Don't Judge, Carry Happiness in Your Eyes