Sunday, August 15, 2010

Musical Chairs for Adults

I can literally fold, roll, smash, or crumple all of my material objects into one large suitcase and one small suitcase; throw a few things in a backpack, and that's my packing. I can do it under two hours, if needed.

You see, many people get a false sense of security through concrete objects. Things they can touch, feel, smell, admire, and all those verbs that keep people satisfied for the moment, that tell them their life is going in the right direction and all is safe and sound.

So, basically, we can divide all of the 7 billion (give or take a mill) people that we currently share this earth with into two groups: the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. And, it seems that this is how the world has worked since the beginning of civilization. Let's go back a few years, relatively speaking, to ancient Egypt. The 'haves' exploited the 'have nots' to death, literally. Who do you think built all those pyramids? You think Pharoh was out there carrying bricks and breaking a sweat? Hells no he wasn't, he was chillin' in the palace with grapes and women and who knows what, while the 'have nots' were out there working their butts off.

Ok, so what about today? Well, let's take my lovely neighboring country, North Korea. I mean,seriously? Come on you heartless bastard, Kim Jong Il. This asshole (sorry) is literally starving his country to death. These people get no nurishment, and they are brainwashed since birth to worship this flagrent, digenerate dictator, as some kind of god. And what about KJI? You better believe he has his rice and kimchi three times a day. This guy is a modern day Hitler. And you wonder how Hitler was able to kill so many people? You wonder why it took so long for anything to be done about it? Well, your answer lies in politics. But that's a story for another day...

Back to the point. The world is divided into people that 'have stuff' and the people that don't. This division is ancient. However, I'm quite tired of people telling me what I NEED to do or what I NEED to have. I say, if you have food to eat, a place to sleep and clothes to wear, then you are doing okay for yourself. I don't think the value of those things are important.

Let me clarify: there is nothing wrong with trying to make a better life for yourself and your family. Honestly, living with two suitcases is not easy. It's not a life that most people could handle; but in this world where materialism is the new god, you have got to check yourself everyday. Make sure you are not being driven by the invisable forces that tell you need more, more, more to be happy, happy, happy. Try less, less, less until you are left with just yourself, then see how happy you really are.

As for me, well, my suitcases and I have seen better days, but I don't plan on buying another suitcase until I'm happy with the ones I've got.

1 comment:

  1. Kendra, I Love this post. You are such a wise young woman. And funny. You are so Blessed to have such insight at your age. I am sure you will go far and do well for yourself, even if you never get another suitcase or anything else. I Love You and will activate my skype right now. I am on skype. Keep in touch. Hopefully, Donny will be home before the year is over. Peace, Love, Hope, Dad
